Saturday, February 23, 2013

Team Leader, Volunteer Roger Krapfl

I have been both an active volunteer and an employee with Habtiat for Humanity of Metro Denver since 1991.
My volunteer service with Habitat includes Treasurer, Board Member, President and Founder & Director of two Habitat Home Improvement Outlet stores generating over $5 million in net profits for Habitat in their first 5 years of operation. Prior to that I served as President of three Fortune 100 subsidiaries with operations in Japan, United States and France. I've lived and worked in England, Russia and (as a Peace Corps Volunteer) in Bolivia. I've led four previous Global Village trips to Nepal, Vietnam, Bolivia and Kenya. My education includes an MBA from the Darden School at the University of Virginia and an Engineering degree from Iowa State University.I enjoy skiing, mountain and road biking, tennis, kayaking ( Alaska, Colorado and Belize) and sailing (two ocean crossings). Extensive travel through South America, Central America, Europe, Russia, China and Japan, Nepal and Vietnam. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

Volunteer Edward Trammell

I am Edward Trammell from Indianapolis Indiana. I am retired from a major pharmaceutical company where I worked as an HVAC & Engineering Technician for many years. I also own my own Heating Air-conditioning & Refrigeration / Plumbing business, which I ran simultaneously during my career in corporate America. Since retiring I don’t get a break unless I leave town, and I love to do so whenever I can. Somehow I manage to do more than just work all the time and I provide support for my Grand Children in their school and sports activities. Along with that I sing in a great and awesome choir at my Church and play the bass guitar too sometimes as well. I do have some experience traveling abroad getting my first real experience in Viet Nam many years ago (1970-71), where I served in the US Army as a helicopter crew chief. I have always had a heart for children and there that compassion was intensified. Since those days I have traveled to the Islands many times for pleasure and work, have traveled to Spain for pleasure and went to the Holy Land on what I call my trip to edify my revelation of God’s Word. I made a mission trip to the Dominican Republic once to support a friend working there but I didn’t feel I was effective enough. I want to do more to help the under privileged in the World and I feel Habitat offers to me the avenue to do just that. I am really looking forward to this experience.