Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Volunteer Kerri Clough-Gorr

Grüezi!  My name is Kerri Clough-Gorr and I live in Zürich, Switzerland.  I am married to Thomas Gorr, have two fabulous grown children (Matthew & Rachel) and 3 delightful cats (Snickers, Gaia & Peeves). I am a Boston, MA native with an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering, masters in public health, and doctorate in epidemiology and biostatistics. Currently I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Bern in Switzerland and affiliated with both Boston University and the Veteran’s Administration in the USA. I spend most of my professional energies researching the intersection of aging and cancer.  Although I enjoy my work it lacks occasion for service (something I was raised to believe we should all do) as well as developing world opportunities. The intensity of my current work also leaves little time for volunteer experiences; alas a volunteer holiday to Malawi!  I have traveled in both the developed and developing world including a previous volunteer holiday to Ethiopia with my daughter. I love spending time with my family, animals, reading, writing & walking.  This will be my 1st HFH experience.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Volunteer Pat Sullivan

My name is James Patrick Sullivan lll and I answer to Pat mostly.
I am a semi retired general contractor who is more interested in searching for meaning during this period of my life. I volunteer for Hospice, Project Cure and others as well as belonging to a dream group. I am a Marine Vietnam veteran
My three children and Bonnie’s one child have given us 7 Grands that we enjoy spending as much time with as possible.
We love to travel and mostly like getting to know the locals and learning their traditions and cultures.
I like doing things that take me out of my comfort zone and many of my friends have said that they will live vicariously through me.
I have been to Zambia and look forward to going to Malawi. My favorite saying is  Live positively, Love as possible especially myself and Learn from everyone.
I hope that the people we contact remember us as being helpful and friendly.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Volunteer Bonnie Hartman

Hi, I'm Bonnie. I grew up in Connecticut on the shores of Long Island Sound, later trading the ocean for Lake Michigan when I went to Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Following graduation I found gainful employment (much to my parents' relief) as an underwriter with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.  Seven Wisconsin winters prompted me to find a similar job in Denver where I've been since 1971. It's a wonderful place to live when Pat (Sullivan) and I aren't traveling.

I am a mother of one and a grandmother of two ...or three if you count our dog, which I do!

In addition to Habitat for Humanity (builds in Nepal, Zambia and New Zealand), I also volunteer locally with Project CURE, Porter Hospice inpatient residence,  and the Performing Arts Center at Denver University.

I've spent time in several countries in Africa and can't help being inspired by the people I've met there.  Despite the daily struggles, they are so joyful!  I need to be re-charged and "un-stuffed" periodically. I'm looking forward to experiencing Malawi and working, smiling, singing...and even sweating... with each other as we build together. Being a member of a Habitat team gives me an opportunity to remember how connected we really all are.

I believe in living now. I like thinking we can put a face on caring as we go along this journey.
Looking forwarding to meeting the rest of team!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Volunteer Inky Son

"I am very excited to go on my first Habitat trip to Malawi!  I was born in South Korea and moved to USA (NY) when I was 8 years old.  After graduating from Georgetown University, I moved to NYC to work in the fashion industry.  Though my heart still lies in NYC, I’ve been living in Amsterdam, Netherlands for the last 5 years working for a fashion brand here and enjoying the freedom of being able to bike everywhere.  I’ve lived in 4 continents (Asia, Australia, Europe, North America) so far so just 3 more to go!  I am an avid (barefoot) runner, having just completed my 3rd marathon this past April in Paris and absolutely obsessed with sports, especially my Georgetown Hoyas!  I am a huge fan of food and my trips around the world usually involve seeking out the best, most authentic foods.  Besides travelling, sports, and food, I love to read and see live music shows.  I’ve never volunteered with Habitat for Humanity so I’m really happy to be part of such a wonderful organization."