Thursday, July 11, 2013

Volunteer Bonnie Hartman

Hi, I'm Bonnie. I grew up in Connecticut on the shores of Long Island Sound, later trading the ocean for Lake Michigan when I went to Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Following graduation I found gainful employment (much to my parents' relief) as an underwriter with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.  Seven Wisconsin winters prompted me to find a similar job in Denver where I've been since 1971. It's a wonderful place to live when Pat (Sullivan) and I aren't traveling.

I am a mother of one and a grandmother of two ...or three if you count our dog, which I do!

In addition to Habitat for Humanity (builds in Nepal, Zambia and New Zealand), I also volunteer locally with Project CURE, Porter Hospice inpatient residence,  and the Performing Arts Center at Denver University.

I've spent time in several countries in Africa and can't help being inspired by the people I've met there.  Despite the daily struggles, they are so joyful!  I need to be re-charged and "un-stuffed" periodically. I'm looking forward to experiencing Malawi and working, smiling, singing...and even sweating... with each other as we build together. Being a member of a Habitat team gives me an opportunity to remember how connected we really all are.

I believe in living now. I like thinking we can put a face on caring as we go along this journey.
Looking forwarding to meeting the rest of team!

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