Monday, August 5, 2013

Volunteer, Nathallie Brouchad

Bonjour, my name is Nathalie. I am a French Canadian from Montreal, Canada.  Although I love my country I have chosen a profession (in the mining industry) that brings me to work in various countries where I often get to stay for many months and learn about the people and their culture. I was recently assigned to a project in Mongolia and had the opportunity to discover that wonderful country and it’s most remote locations such as the Altai and the Gobi desert.

I am a mother of two young adults that I love and that make me a very proud mom. This project in Malawi will be my first Global Village experience. I have always been actively involved in volunteering in my community, and I had in my mind to extend my volunteering experience at the international level for the longest time.  I am a very enthusiastic and motivated person and I like having fun in all the projects I undertake. I am looking forward to start our Journey in Malawi and get to know this part of the world that is all new to me.

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